Michael Smerdel
My name is Michael Smerdel and I am the owner of Bilfox Practice Management. I graduated from the University of Phoenix with a degree in business management. My education and background as an entrepreneur has giving me the skills to contribute to medical providers the technological advances in medical billing and practice management. I hold a certificate from ClaimTek systems in Medical and Dental Billing & Practice Management. I am motivated by the mission to help medical providers to find fulfillment and belonging in their careers.
I have lived in southern CA most of my life and currently live in Orange county CA. I enjoy physical fitness from weight training, running and martial arts. My hobbies also include travelling to other countries, backpacking throughout CA and adopting dogs from rescue shelters. My personal passion is to one day own a dog rescue so I can help more animals that are in need of love and care.
We understand your needs and sympathize with your busy schedule. You shouldn't have to keep up with the latest Medicare guidelines when you already have the serious responsibility of running your practice. Our primary goal is to look out for your best interest and protect your bottom line while easing the pressure that tedious paperwork may cause.